Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy wrapped up his clear and to-the-point straight-talk delivery of “Building an Economic Revival” midterm budget address with “let us begin our work.”

“A little more than a year ago, on the day I was sworn in as your Governor, Connecticut was staring into the abyss of a future none of us wanted. A combination of years of avoiding tough decisions here in Hartford and the financial meltdown on Wall Street had brought Connecticut to its knees.

“We had one of the largest per capita deficits of any state in the nation, there had been no net job growth for 22 years, state government was bloated and broken, our relationship with our fellow state employees was on an unsustainable course, and the citizens of Connecticut had no faith that Hartford was any different than Washington, D.C., in its attempt to do the will of the people.

“In short, we were facing a crisis of massive proportions.

“And so I said we needed to implement wholesale change, and I said we needed to walk down a different road together, one not being traveled by other states.

“So now what? Where do we go from here?

“Connecticut has a long, proud history. Throughout that history, when we were at our best, we were leaders. We led the way for a young nation as it constructed the principles that would eventually become the Constitution of the United States – a set of principles that has long been the envy of other nations, and that still guides us today.

“We led the nation in the founding of colleges and universities that bred generations of great leaders.

“We led the world in fostering innovation and creativity, allowing us to produce things – great things – that made this world better and safer.

“But awhile back we stopped leading. And since then, we have spent too much time muddling along, mired in mediocrity. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for us to lead again. Let’s think big. Let’s be bold.

“Today, I am challenging the people in this chamber and business leaders across the state to join me in committing to build nothing less than a full-scale economic revival. Not a recovery, a revival.

“I know it’s possible for us to do this because we just did it a few months ago – when we put our partisan differences aside to pass and sign into law the best jobs package of any state in the nation.

“We have world-class colleges and universities where young men and women unlock the doors of knowledge and allow their minds to expand.

“We have proud cities that reflect the diversity that is our strength. And we have beautiful small towns, where life remains simple, and good.

“But most of all, Connecticut is home to many good and decent people – people from all walks of life, people who work hard. People who are respectful of others, and who do not discriminate based on gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation.

“These people deserve this economic revival. They have earned it. And it is our job to give it to them.”

To read the complete speech visit the Governor’s official site, linked here. Or view air times to see the entire session via CT-N.